Resort Guests find the SECURITY to be "REMARKABLE" |
When travelers publicly comment - good or bad - on their stay
at any hotel or resort, it is usually about the food, the
service, the accommodations, or the cleanliness. At
Kerzner's 5-Star Mazagan Resort & Casino
near Casablanca Morrocco, many guests actually found the
measures worthy of their public praise! Starting during
the facility's early design, Michael Minieri worked closely with
the planning team to develop and execute a security strategy
that emphasized efficacy, esthetics, the guest experience
and potential threat risks both of the day, and in the future.
The concept included - among other things - concealing some
security elements within the extensive, lush landscaping. It
also allows the security posture to adjust almost
instantaneously as needed. Here are just a few excerpts from GUEST COMMENTS
and REVIEWS found
on such sites as Trip Advisor®
and Expedia® and
others, that any
hospitality executive would be very proud to hear......and any
Professional Security Consultant !
of a High-End Hotel |
When a well known, "Western Branded"
international hotel was one of 3 hotels attacked by
terrorists in Amman Jordan, Michael Minieri was on-site within days of the
bombing at the request of the chain's top corporate executives.
His immediate task was to develop and oversee implementation of
interim security measures to allow the hotel to reopen promptly
under the heightened threat conditions. Clearly this new client
liked the results! Subsequently, Mr. Minieri served as
Project Manager and was intimately involved in a comprehensive
project to help the chain meet their new objective of becoming the
global hospitality industry leader in setting the highest
security standards for all of its 100+ global locations.
Photo is of one of the ACTUAL bombers who's detonator
malfunctioned (unfortunately, several others did detonate!) For Phase 1, Michael worked directly with top corporate executives and was the principal author and Project Manager in developing an extremely comprehensive document establishing the chain's global security policies, standards and guidelines in great detail. This all encompassing set of requirements had to set a very high standard for security measures and practices yet be flexible enough to address the varying needs of hotels of all sizes and in locations posing different levels of potential threat. Research was conducted to determine geopolitical threat risk profiles for terrorism and for crime, in each property's market. Minieri developed a strategy where each hotel was designated into one of 3 pre-defined threat levels with a total of 6 pre-defined risk categories (3 for "crime" and 3 for "terrorism"). The strategy included a criteria for the 3 levels and for periodically re-evaluating the designations in order to meet changing threats. The Security Policies, Standards and Guidelines (PSG) document was written to address specific requirements based upon the category assigned to each hotel at the start. In Phase 2, Michael Minieri and his team field tested the policy document as well as a custom site assessment protocol at a sampling of international hotels. He and a small team of others used this experience to refine the document and roll-out the new policy, conduct consistent on-site security assessments at all the international hotels, assist local staff in migrating to the new policy and produce detailed, uniform reports with recommendations. In total, more than 100 hotels were assessed worldwide. Additionally, Mr. Minieri personally performed a comprehensive set of services for owners, design teams and developers of NEW hotels in numerous worldwide locations and personally conducted assessments at more than a dozen global locations. |
140+ Security Assessments for Nigeria's National Oil Company |
OPEC member Nigeria relies very heavily on its oil reserves to fuel the
nation's economy, but faces some very difficult security
challenges throughout the country. The State owned Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation (NNPC) commissioned 3 Nigerian contract companies to
assess security at more than 140 locations nationwide and
provide an implementation plan for the recommendations - all
within a limited time period. Minieri Associates International Security Consultants was brought in
as the Lead Consultant for this team. MA developed an extensive
array of custom security assessment "tools", field tested the
tools on a sampling of facility types, and conducted formal
training for all assessors and the client's project staff. The
programmatic planning, preparation and mobilization was focused
on consistency, usability, manageability, time efficiency,
Global Best Practices and World Class quality deliverables and
results. This project marks Mr. Minieri's 4th engagement
involving more than 100 site
assessments for
a single client enterprise.. |